Upcoming dates
14. & 15. March
Teatro NOS, Lima, Peru . how a falling star lit up the purple sky . Jeremy Nedd & Impilo Mapantsula
19. March
Teatro Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia. how a falling star lit up the purple sky . Jeremy Nedd & Impilo Mapantsula
19. & 20. March
Bühne Aarau, Switzerland . Queere Tiere . Daniel Hellmann & Coco Schwarz
22. March
Teatro Metropolitano, Medellin, Colombia. how a falling star lit up the purple sky . Jeremy Nedd & Impilo Mapantsula
29. March
Centro National de las Artes, Bogota, Colombia. how a falling star lit up the purple sky . Jeremy Nedd & Impilo Mapantsula
04. April
Kleintheater Luzern, Switzerland . Queere Tiere . Daniel Hellmann & Coco Schwarz
10. & 11. April
Kellertheater Winterthur, Switzerland . Queere Tiere . Daniel Hellmann & Coco Schwarz
24. April
Gare du Nord Basel, Switzerland . Queere Tiere . Daniel Hellmann & Coco Schwarz
Past Dates
29-31. August
Noorderzon Groningen (NL) . Jeremy Nedd & Impilo Mapantsula . blue nile to the galaxy around olodumare
9. & 10. September
La Batie Geneva (CH) . Jeremy Nedd & Impilo Mapantsula . blue nile to the galaxy around olodumare
13.-15. September
Arsenic Lausanne (CH) . Jeremy Nedd & Impilo Mapantsula . blue nile to the galaxy around olodumare
19. & 20. September
vierNulvier Ghent (BE) . Jeremy Nedd & Impilo Mapantsula . blue nile to the galaxy around olodumare
22. September
Gessnerallee Zürich (CH) . Criptonite . «Crip Lab»
26. - 29. September
Kaserne Basel (CH) . Jeremy Nedd & Impilo Mapantsula . blue nile to the galaxy around olodumare
17. Oktober
fierce festival Birmingham (UK) . Jeremy Nedd . from rock to rock ...aka how magnolia was taken for granted
18. & 19. October
Dance First Think Later, Le Commun Genève (CH) . Tyra Wigg . limb limb limb
8. & 9. November
MDT Stockholm (SE) . Tyra Wigg . SQUEEZE
14. / 20. / 21. / 28. / 30. November
sogar theater . Soya the Cow & Piano Prince . «Queere Tiere» – ein ungehöriger Liederabend
15. & 16. November
Theater Rampe . Criptonite . PLEASURE
06. & 07. December
Tanzhaus Zürich . Valerie Reding . monsters
15. & 16. January
Gessnerallee Zürich. COLD . Fatima Moumouni & Laurin Buser
31. January
Festival Parallèle . from rock to rock ... . Jeremy Nedd
05. January
En Vogue I Charleroi Danse . from rock to rock ... . Jeremy Nedd
14. & 15. February
Bühne Aarau . COLD . Fatima Moumouni & Laurin Buser